1010 Optics logo

We believe in searching the world, for the perfect pair of eyewear.

We can help you put the inside on the outside.

We believe that every face is unique.
We believe that color should be celebrated, lauded and shouted from the rooftops.
Everyone should wear eyewear that comfortably fits their face. We believe that your eyes are the portal to your personality, so you need some outstanding frames. We believe that people see your face before your feet. Eyewear should be fierce, fun or fine art (or all three). The perfect pair of eyeglasses can change your life.

We believe every person who walks through our door, no matter where they are from, what they believe or how they look, deserves a great pair of eyeglasses.
Eyeglass Store in New York
Eyewear Store in New York
Eyeglasses Store in New York City
Fashionable Eyeglasses Store in New York
New York Fashionable Eyeglasses Store
New York Luxury Eyeglasses Store
Designer Eyewear Store in New York
New York Designer Eyewear Store
Designer Eyeglasses Store in New York
Designer Eyeglass Frames Store in New York
Unique Eyeglasses Store in New York
Unique Eyeglass Frames Store in New York
Unique Eyewear Store in New York
Unique Fashionable Eyeglasses Store in New York
Unique Fashionable Eyewear Store in New York
Designer Eyeglasses for Women Store in New York
Designer Eyeglass Frames Store in New York
Designer Eyeglasses for Men Store in New York